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who am I?

I am you. I, like most, am challenged with living a balanced life which I define as holy, healthy, and wholesome. I am passionate about encouraging others to be the best they can imagine. One of the ways to achieve that is by consistently evaluating all aspects of one's life.


I believe the best life is a balanced life. My beliefs are born out of my experiences. I have been encouraged so I encourage. I have lived periods of being well-balanced and periods of being off-centered.


Professionally, I spent more than 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry. Personally, I have spent most of my life seeking to be spiritually and physically well-grounded. I am constantly seeking ways to reinvent myself.


I am supported by a loving and kind village. I try to "Live beyond what I can see." My mantra is "Stay motivated, stay disciplined, stay focused."


I am Gwen - Wife, Mother, Writer, Author, Friend, Aunt, Sister and so much more.

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